
Email a Prisoner is currently active in the following Correctional Centres. If the Correctional Centre you want is not currently active then please get in touch and lend your support to our campaign to get the service into every Correctional Centre in Australia.

Please see the table below to see which services are available.

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Correctional Centre Messaging Replies Photo Attachments
Acacia Prison
Adelaide Remand Centre
Albany Regional Prison
Alice Springs Correctional Centre
Arthur Gorrie CC
Barkly Work Camp
Barwon Prison
Beechworth Correctional Centre
Borallon Training and Correctional Centre
Boronia Pre-release Centre for Women
Brisbane Correctional Centre
Brisbane Women's Correctional Centre
Bunbury Regional Prison
Capricornia Correctional Centre
Dame Phyllis Frost Centre
Darwin Correctional Centre
Datjala Work Camp
Dhurringile Prison
Dowerin Work Camp
Fulham Correctional Centre
Hakea Prison
Helana Jones Community Correctional Centre
Hobart Reception Prison
Hopkins Correctional Centre
Judy Lazarus Transition Centre
Junee Correctional Centre
Karreenga Annexe
Langi Kal Kal Prison
Launceston Reception Prison
Loddon Prison
Lotus Glen Correctional Centre
Marngoneet CC
Mary Hutchinson Women's Prison
Maryborough Correctional Centre
Melaleuca Women's Prison
Melbourne Assessment Prison
Metropolitan Remand Centre (MRC)
Middleton Prison
Numinbah Correctional Centre
Palen Creek Correctional Centre
Port Phillip Prison
Ravenhall CC (NOT MRC)
Risdon Prison Complex Maximum Security
Risdon Prison Complex Medium Security
Risdon Prison Complex Southern Remand Centre
Ron Barwick Prison
Southern Queensland CC (Female)
Tarrengower Prison
Townsville Correctional Centre (Male)
Townsville Women's Correctional Centre
Wandoo Rehabilitation Prison
Wolston Correctional Centre
Woodford Correctional Centre
Wooroloo Prison Farm